‭Zigong Huacai Art



Create brilliance, meet again in 2020

Release time:2019-04-09 09:21
Author:Sophia Yang

From preparation to opening, to closing. From the cold winters to the breeze and the spring, we have experienced more than 100 days and nights to create this rich cultural feast for the audience at home and abroad.

We are Zigong Lanterns. We are the people who make festivals and joys. Whenever we are happy, we are working in the background, in the work of obscurity, in the creative production of happy products, in the maintenance of product safety, in the attention The crowds of people and traffic flow, in defending the safety of the audience, in providing a comfortable service, in the clean park environment, we do not stop the keyboard in the background of the network, send out a ticket with warmth and joy.

     We received 1.26 million viewers at this festival, and every viewer experienced our service. We don't have holidays, no holidays, no matter how windy or rainy, no matter the day or night, we are always here, waiting for tourists from home and abroad. Tonight, it is a festival for the Lantern Festival. For every staff member who sticks to the front of the Lantern Festival, the greatest achievement of hard work is the success of the Lantern Festival.

We are happy and sad. Because the beautiful scenery of the lanterns we all build is going to say goodbye to everyone. The beautiful lights and the climax of the climax will always be fixed in our minds and become memories. We will be short-lived again. But there will be a house, and today's lights are turned off for a brighter future. When we saw a smile of different ages and nationalities in the lanterns, when we saw that the city was beautiful because of the lights, our sadness and exhaustion instantly vanished. Thanks to the audience all over the country, your love and support for the Zigong Lantern Festival is our driving force for innovation and persistence. In the future, we will work hard to create more beautiful lantern art and create a more joyful lantern festival.

 This year's Lantern Festival has opened a new chapter. This land has already surged in the spring tide, let us walk along the way, let us create more glory. Wang Anshi wrote in "Send Wu Xiandao" that "only the spring breeze should be the most regrettable, once a year comes back", the Zigong Lantern Festival is also the same, returning once a year, will return to the world.

a bunch of fire

Human perception of civilization

a lantern

Humans have read the colorful world

a complex era, a colorful era

We have been gathering the power of joy China.

Companion with Happy China - Zigong Lantern Festival


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